Wednesday 30 November 2011

The difference between linear recruitment and spot recruitment- a story about Tesco lettuce.

This is an analogy between Tesco lettuce and recruitment.

Tesco choose their lettuce producers first, agree a price and a service level agreement with them and then wait until the lettuces are market-ready before they take delivery, select the ones that are acceptable and reject the rest.

This is the same with linear recruitment. It has always been done this way.

However where lettuce and humans differ is in the predictability of outcome. Candidates change their minds, join other Employers at the last minute and sometimes the entire crop can fail. Tesco can predict demand for lettuce months in advance so the growing period can be factored in without affecting sales adversely. Demand for staff is less predictable and the cost of the time taken to hire can be huge.

Take for example an oil company. They are part-way through a multi million pound project and the Project Director leaves abruptly. The project can continue but a replacement must be found as quickly as possible. How long will this take using the traditional linear recruitment process? Months perhaps! But is there an alternative they can turn to in order to fill the role more quickly?

This is where the spot market comes in.

Recruitment firms can join an online market like Vacancy-Clearing. The oil company can post a requirement for a Project Director. The message can be communicated to suppliers in seconds and if one of the recruitment firms has a matching candidate on their books the problem can be solved. Please note In-House recruiters do not have this option it’s a recruitment agency USP.

The solution is not limited to when things go wrong either. If you really want to find the “best” available candidate you need to leave no stone unturned. Using a few well-chosen agencies to do this is going to take a lot of man-hours. With a Spot-Market you can do it much more quickly and cheaply.

So if you’re a bit short on quality lettuces this winter and you need to explore availability on the Spot-Market, please join us at: