Monday 27 February 2012

Apathy…the curse of the recruitment consultant.

The innovative TruLondon un-conference attracted little interest as far as I could see. I tuned in to the LiveStream along with, at its maximum, 3 other people to watch interesting topics discussed by the most un-inspiring people I’ve seen for a long while-who were mostly there to sell their product/personal brand. Apologies to anyone who was truly awesome I must have missed you!

Katie McNab of Pepsico speculated thoughtfully as to why so few recruiters attended the event which is dominated by “thought-leaders” and suppliers. See her blog at

Was it that TruLondon and the issues discussed are disconnected from the real world of recruitment? Maybe but I suspect this is also spiced by a liberal dose of apathy which recruiters seem to have in abundance.

When it comes to new ideas, policy, strategy, saving the industry and debating the issues; recruiters just don’t care! They are the equivalent of Sun readers: bit of media gossip, page 3 and good sports section…couldn’t give a stuff about Syria.

Well newspaper owners can’t ignore Sun readers as much as recruitment “leaders” and suppliers cannot ignore apathetic recruitment consultants. What they need to do is give them what they want.

And that’s more cash each month!

If the IOR, IRG, APSCo, REC or anyone else could do that they’d have applicants queuing out the door, leverage to ensure compliance and the attention of a fully motivated membership.

Show them the money!

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