Thursday 1 March 2012

Imperfect model.

There's a shortage of Talent and the current model used by both In-House and Agency Recruiters is a long way from perfect. Filling roles does not mean you’re getting the best candidates it sometimes reflects low expectations.

This recruitment model is not perfect (though little in life is) because you’re asking a small number of Recruiters to identify, engage and deliver the “best” candidate from a potentially large, shifting and sometimes evasive pool of candidates. Done properly this can take months of man hours or fees.

And what is “best” anyway? Many Recruiters (In-House and Agency) will not be able to connect with all possible candidates so “best” is inevitable “of the ones we could find and persuade to engage”.

There is however a potential solution! It works a bit like a search engine.

If you want to find a webpage that contains the information you’re looking for you use a search engine and it presents you with a list ranked in order of relevance.

What if you could do the same in a recruitment context and find Recruiters that already have the Candidates you’re looking for listed in order of relevance?

Uniquely only Agency Recruiters can offer this because unlike In-House Recruiters, who are tied to one Employer, Agency Recruiters can make their Candidates available to any Employers.

In the changing world of recruitment this unique selling point is worth debating particularly in the context of a possible shift away from a Client-led to a Candidate-led agency model (like Sports Agents).

Agencies need to modify their proposition retaining Consultancy where it has commercial value and embracing other propositions that offer a unique competitive Agency advantage.

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