Thursday 21 June 2012

You cannot claim to be professional unless you belong to a trade body!

The thing about …isms (sexism, racism etc) is that the attitude spreads rapidly amongst stupid people who believe their status is enhanced by it. So for example a sexist remark, enforcing the speaker’s sense of superiority and the victim’s inferiority, is quickly adopted by stupid men (mostly, although it could equally be stupid women) as a kind of peer group position.

The same is true of “recruitmentism” as exemplified by various HR bloggers including Neil Morrison who refers to Recruitment Consultants as “the gutter rats of business”. The HR community quickly adopts this position as a way of falling in line with “HR thought leaders” without thinking for themselves how insulting it is to the many perfectly good Recruitment Consultants who perform a valuable service.

As with all … isms the solution is education. Recruitment agencies and their representative bodies need to educate and inform the marketplace about: what they offer, how they add value, how they intend to maintain professional standards, how their Consultants are developing themselves professionally etc etc.

Over time this will make a huge impact on how the market views recruiters but will not work unless it is done collectively, as one industry and as such will require leadership by the IOR and other bodies and most importantly the overwhelming support of all recruiters.

If Recruiters really want to do something about how they are perceived in the marketplace they must join or form groups that can truly influence change. Personally I’d join the IOR as they have a progressive agenda. Annual membership for a Consultant is only £49! thats less than dinner for 2 at Pizza Express!!!

But if you don’t join any group I don’t think you can claim to be “professional”.

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