Wednesday, 10 October 2012

What the Recruitment industry must learn from Steve Jobs.

There’s stuff you’re happy to pay for and stuff you begrudge paying for. Think about that one for a second - the list of examples forms quickly in the mind! I’m pretty sure iPhones fall into the first category and life insurance falls into the second.

What about recruitment consultancy?

Well, we have all experienced the moment when a client hires a great candidate and just for that moment they’re not thinking about the cost, they’re thinking about value. Unfortunately the moment tends to evaporate the next time they get a commission-driven sales call or an over-sold candidate.

What Steve Jobs did so well was create a product that resonated with a generation. It was so cool people couldn’t wait for it. They queued around the block for it. As Recruitment Consultants we need to do the same for our clients so that, when we call, they are dribbling with anticipation.

What product or service can we offer that resonates with this generation?

I believe it involves turning our backs on the volume cold-calling “Big Biller” self-interested mentality and taking an holistic consultative approach to recruitment: what’s in the best interests of the client? How can we help make this company better at hiring? How can we reduce their hiring costs? You may never introduce a candidate to them directly again!

This is what I am now doing with Its recruitment consultancy but not you have known it!

It’s not going to be easy and for many it will be beyond their capabilities but I believe the answer to the question above is:

“Give your client the coolest recruitment strategy they’ve ever seen, upgrade it regularly and leave them feeling in awe.”

Let me know what you think?
Those that would like to become involved should email me

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